Friday, August 28, 2009

Obama and Redistributive Change

Obama and Redistributive Change
by Victor Davis Hanson on National Review Online

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When I read this article, I realized that I hadn't even considered some of the bigger issues: Health care reform, Cap and Trade, the Stimulus Bill, Cash for Clunkers are just the byproducts of a larger agenda.

Think about it. The only people who aren't 'paying their fair share' (according to the liberals) are the CEO's, the BIG BANKERS, the WEALTHY. Capital letters for those evil Capitalists!

So what is the answer to all this obscene wealth? Redistribute it! Higher taxes on the wealthy - cap bonuses and salaries (never mind the education and hard work it took to get there) - higher taxes on those big, impersonal corporations that are obviously holding the little man down! viva la REVOLUTION!

Geez. Take from the rich and give to the poor. Equality for all - not in rights, but in wealth - whether they deserve it or not. Not a helping hand, but a hand out.

I hope you take the time to read the article. Then think about your kids. Mine are working hard to earn degrees, in order to earn a decent living - maybe even to someday be well off. And both of them voted for Obama. I wonder if they realize that if he has his way, they won't be rewarded for their hard work, but forced to carry the citizens without the drive to succeed around on their backs.

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