Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Old Bones

Okay, I'm 45 years old. That's not very old , but if you fall down, you can feel old.

For example: On Saturday I was cleaning the tub. Not usually a dangerous event, unless you are short (like me) and the shower walls are high. Well, I reached up and proceeded to fall down. I'm now bruised from shoulder to thigh with exquisit pain in my right side. Now, a few years ago (okay, maybe more than a few!) I would have bounced right back. But now? NO. I'm stiff, sore, aching, and slow. I FEEL very old - but, if I was really in bad shape I probably would have broken something - like my hip or arm.

So the moral to my story? 1: Get a kid to do the high cleaning (not likely) 2: Get the daily dose of Calcium and Vitamin D required to keep your bones strong so that a fall such as mine will result only in bruised muscles and ego, and not broken bones. Another example of taking responsibility for your body and your health.

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