Monday, June 08, 2009

1,600,000 jobs lost vs 150,000 jobs 'saved'

So. Are you working? How about your spouse? Your grown children? Your parents? Do you have a 'recession-proof' job? Are you a nurse that can't find work? How about an auto mechanic? Maybe the restaurant you worked at closed. Or some large manufacturer that depends on the auto industry. How about a bank? Oh, wait, they got money, so you're probably still working...

We have lost 10.6 TIMES the number of jobs 'created' or 'saved'. And in the process we have bankrupted our children and their children and pretty much destroyed the basic American Dream.

How's that 'change' workin' for ya?

BTW, the unemployment rate in Michigan is expected to hit near or at 20%. Hope it's better where you're living.
clipped from
Obama promised Monday to speed federal money into hundreds of public works projects this summer, vowing that 600,000 jobs would be created or saved.
his fresh promises were largely political theater: The jobs goal was set a month ago, and the list of projects Obama announced were already in the pipeline.
poll found that 41 percent of those surveyed disapproved of Obama's handling of the deficit, his highest disapproval rating on any subject polled.
government reports have shown the economy has lost more than 1.6 million jobs since Congress approved funding for the program in February.
administration's predictions that unemployment would rise no higher than 8 percent already have been shattered.
Just how much of an impact Obama's recovery program had on the pace of job losses is up for debate.
Obama has claimed as many as 150,000 jobs saved or created
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