Saturday, July 25, 2009

Doctors Demand Apology From Obama

Of course, no one in the media is reporting this in favor of focusing on the 'race issue'.

The news conference on Wednesday night lasted an hour. Many things were said - but still no actual facts or figures. We still don't know what the "PLAN" looks like or will actually cost.

We DO know that Obama has no problem speaking out of turn on topics he knows nothing about. Like the 'acted stupidly' comment, he misrepresented and maligned another group in America - Doctors.

In truth, I don't mind him making ridiculous statements. They prove that he is ill-equipped to tackle these issues and uninformed about the facts.

I'm tired of all the liberal cheer-leading... I want the truth.

Is the health system in trouble? Yep.

Is government run health care the answer? Let me introduce you to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

My answer is Nope.
clipped from
Pitching government control, President falsely accuses doctors of conspiring to make children sicker

“President Obama should be ashamed of himself for trying to scare Americans into supporting his government takeover of medicine by falsely accusing doctors of making children sicker. I have never heard a more disgusting or blatantly phony conspiracy theory. We treat our patients with the respect, care and concern you will never find in Obama’s government-run rationed care bureaucracy,” said Dr. Kerr.

“On behalf of my colleagues, I respectfully ask President Obama to apologize for such a slanderous lie and ask him to stop engaging in sickening conspiracy theories to push his government-run scheme. These cheap scare tactics are beneath the dignity of the office of The President and perfectly illustrate why more and more Americans are losing faith in Barack Obama.”

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