Thursday, April 14, 2005

Sniffles, Part 3

Yeah, okay........I'm totally fatigued, every bone hurts, my head is stuffed up and the fever/chills are a dead giveaway.....I'm sick.


But unlike most of the world, I know that rest, fluids, tylenol and hot tea are my best defense. The occassional decongestant helps too, but only at night - I need to be able to think during the day.

Oh course, whining helps too.

God, the eternal practical joker, has seen fit to make sure I'm sick on my days off AND the weather is great. That's what I get for my "I don't get sick" attitude. But I will get over this and I know that every one else will also.

Thought for the day: You might be part of the medical community if your immune system attacks squirels in the back yard ( usually ).

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