Friday, April 01, 2005


Has everyone had them yet? If not, you will. If you have, you will again. Here in "sunny" Michigan the symptoms of choice are sinus congestion and headaches along with the ever feared POST NASAL DRIP! Guess what people? This is a virus! Take tylenol and push fluids for the week it takes to get over this bug. Antibiotics won't cut it and your doctors office and the ER are jammed up. Save some money and insurance paperwork - deal with it like adults. Oh, and for the kids - same treatment.

By the way, why do parents forego giving their kids tylenol for a fever before coming to the ER? So that the doctor/nurse will "see" the fever and the poor sick, suffering kid. Use your brains folks, make your kid feel better and you just might avoid that trip to the ER at 2 AM.

Thought for the day: All bleeding stops eventually.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,
I just checked out your blog. I love your bleeding thought for the day. :)
Here's my psych joke: The psychiatrist was making his rounds when one of his patients told him that he was Napolean. The doctor asked the patient why he thought he was Napolean. The patient replied, "because God told me." The patient he shared a room with snapped, "I did not!"
Have a great day!