Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Did You "Call In Gay"?

Yes, you read that right.....Call in Gay. If you saw the news yesterday, then you know that gay rights activists in California wanted everyone upset about the ban on gay marriage to "Call In Gay" today. They hoped for a nation-wide protest.

The purpose, as I understand it, is to show us how important gays are to our everyday life. Now, gays only represent about 4% of the population generally, but in places like San Francisco the percentage is higher. Of course, they hoped that straight people who support them would also call in 'Gay'

I can't call in gay because..........well, I'm straight. I don't support a ban reversal. (I don't live in California, so I don't have a vote either!) And, well, I'm unemployed right now!

So, did you? Are you? Do you care? Was your life impacted today by this 'protest'?


1 comment:

MamaIlsa said...

Hey! Let me know you're here - at least say hi.